Inclement Weather…

Snow IconWith the recent inclement weather, here are some things to keep in mind: 

  1. Check our Facebook page and website to see if there are some areas in your neighbourhood the recycling trucks can’t access or if your recycling pickup has been cancelled because of the snow.
  2. Some areas are not safe for our trucks to travel during snowfalls. Our workers’ safety and the safety of others and others’ property is a priority. If you live in a hilly area or on a street that’s difficult to access, please do not put your recycling out in heavy snow. We will pick up your recycling the following week, weather permitting. You can also bring it to the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot during open hours.
  3. Please help us out! When you set out your recycling boxes & bags, please take care to place them at the END of your driveway, either in the middle of the driveway or NEXT TO the snow mounds (not in the snow, please!) to make it easier access for our pickup crews. This will make pickup faster and decrease the amount of time the trucks need to stay in the roadway. Note that due to parked cars and snow build-up, our trucks may be required to temporarily block roadways. Thank you for your patience & understanding!

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