What Can Be Recycled at the Depot
Download the RMRS A to Z List, a short list of items accepted at the Maple Ride Recycling Depot, or see the extended version of the list below!
Ridge Meadows Recycling has been running a Recycling Depot in Maple Ridge for almost 50 years. During this time, we have worked with numerous manufacturers to develop the most local, cost-efficient, and environmentally-responsible methods of recycling various materials.
We are often asked why certain materials are not recyclable. Usually, the answer is there is no market for the recycled materials. While many people think of recycled materials being a part of ‘green’ goods such as recycled toilet paper and products marketed as ‘green’ through their recycled content, the truth is that almost every new product can replace new, virgin paper pulp or other new material with recycled content.
Other times, the item is made from a number of materials that are bonded together in a way that makes them impossible to separate (eg. toothpaste tubes).
While not many companies do this yet, there are certain retailers, such as London Drugs, who will accept all packaging from products sold at their stores for recycling.
If you are unclear whether an item is recyclable or not, call us at 604-463-5545, or contact the Recycling Council of BC who can answer questions specific to your community through the Recyclepedia search, phone, text, chat, or email.
The (exended!) A to Z List of Things to Bring to the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot:
*Please note that we are an end-of-life recycling facility. If something is still usable, please try selling it or giving it away to charity first.
- 8-track tapes
- aerosol cans
- aerosol paint cans
- air conditioners
- aluminum foil
- answering machines
- appliances (large & small, anything with a cord or battery)
- baby monitors & receivers
backpacks (clothing bin)
- “bag-in-a-box” wine pouches & boxes
- barbeques
- batteries (all kinds – household, rechargable, car, motorcycle, button, & lantern)
- bed frames (metal)
- bedding (clothing bin)
- beer bottles
- belts (clothing bin)
- bikes (used kids’ bikes ($5) and adult bikes ($10) are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis)
- blenders
- books (used books are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis)
- boots (clothing bin)
- boxboard (cereal boxes)
- brass
- bread makers
- cables
- calculators
- camp fuel
- cans (tin & aluminum)
- car parts (metal)
- cardboard
- cards
- cassette tapes
- cases from DVDs or CDs
- catalogues
- cathode ray tube TVs
- CDs
- cell phones & accessories (chargers, ear buds, etc.)
- cellophane wrapping
- chainsaws
- chandeliers
- Christmas lights
- clamshell (plastic) packaging
- clothing (clothing bin)
- clothes hangers (metal & plastic)
- coffee cups (paper & styrofoam)
- coffee makers
- compact flourescent lights (CFLs)
- computers & accessories (keyboards, monitors, hard drives, all cords, headphones, webcams)
- cooking oil – please bring this in a liquid form to pour into the collection tank!
- copiers
- copper
- CPUs (Central Processing Units)
- crinkly bags & wrappers (packaging)
- curtains (clothing bin)
- cushions (clothing bin)
- cutlery (plastic)
- deck paint (any community groups interested in picking up used paint for projects, please call us at 604-463-5545)
- desktop computers
- digital microscopes & telescopes
- dishwashers
- domestic pesticides
- drill presses
- drink boxes (tetra paks & cartons)
- dryers
- DVDs
- ebook readers
- egg cartons (cardboard, plastic, and styrofoam)
- electric fans
- electric grass trimmers
- electric guitars
- electric lawn mowers
- electric toothbrushes
- electronic blood pressure devices
- electronic exercise machines
- electronic musical instruments
- electronic thermometers
- electronic toys
- electronics (all)
- empty paint cans
- engine blocks
- engine oil
- envelopes
- ethernet switches
- exercise bicycles
- fax machines
- fencing (metal)
- fire extinguishers
- flammable liquids
- flashlights
- flat screen TVs
- flexible plastic packaging
- floppy discs
- flourescent lights (tubes & CFL bulbs)
- flyers
- foil/plastic laminated packaging
- food processors
- footwear (clothing bin)
- freezers
- frozen juice cans (spiral-wound with metal ends)
- fryer grease & oil
- furnaces
- “gable top” cartons (milk, juice, soy or almond milk)
- game cartridges
- gaming consoles & controllers
- gasoline *must be brought to Depot in standard, SEALED red gas can. For safety reasons, cans will NOT be returned.
- glass jars & bottles (used canning jars are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis)
- grease (kitchen) – please bring this in a liquid form to pour into the collection tank!
- hair dryers
- halogen lights
- hand-held GPS devices
- hand mixers
- hard drives
- hats (clothing bin)
- headphones
- hot water tanks
- household textiles (clothing bin)
- hydraulic fluid
- ice cream buckets & lids
- incandescent light bulbs
- ink cartridges
- jars (used canning jars are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis)
- juice bottles
- juice boxes
- juice cartons
- juice bags/pouches (single serve)
- juicers
- keyboards
- kitchen appliances
- kitchen grease & oil
- lamps
- laptop computers
- laser discs
- laser printers
- latex paint (any community groups interested in picking up used paint for projects, please call us at 604-463-5545)
- lawn mowers
- LED lightbulbs
- lids (metal or plastic)
- light bulbs & tubes (all types)
- liquid adhesives
- magazines (used magazines are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis)
- marine enamel (paint)
- media storage devices
- memory cards
- metal cans
- mouse (for computer)
- microscopes
- microwaves
- milk cartons
- milk jugs
- monitors
- motor oil
- motors
- nails
- net & woven plastic bags
- newspaper
- notebook computers
- non-food protective plastic packaging
- office (ledger) paper
- oil containers (plastic)
- oil filters
- oil tanks
- oil (cooking) – please bring this in a liquid form to pour into the collection tank!
- overhead projectors
- paint (oil & latex based – any community groups interested in picking up used paint for projects, please call us at 604-463-5545)
- paint cans (with labels)
- paint thinners
- pants (clothing bin)
- paper party decor
- paper plates, bowls, & cups
- pesticides (domestic)
- phone books
- photocopiers
- piping
- pizza boxes (clean – no food waste, please!)
- plant pots
- plastic bags & wrap
- plastic containers
- plastic cutlery
- plastic food containers
- plastic stand-up pouches & bags
- plastic wrappers (non-stretchy)
- pocket & desk calculators
- pop bottles
- power drills
- power tools
- printers
- projection TVs
- propane tanks
- purses (clothing bin)
- questionable liquids (oil, pesticides, paint thinner, etc.) – NOTE: MUST be in original container WITH ORIGINAL LABEL to be accepted in the program.
- records
- refrigerators
- refundable drink bottles
- routers
- rust paint
- sandals (clothing bin)
- Saran (plastic) wrap
- satellite dishes & radio receivers
- scanners
- scrap metal
- sergers
- sewing machines
- shellac
- shirts (clothing bin)
- shoes (clothing bin)
- sinks
- slippers (clothing bin)
- smart phones
- socks (singles or pairs -clothing bin)
- solvents
- soup containers
- speakers
- steel
- stethoscopes (electronic)
- stir sticks (plastic)
- stoves
- straws (plastic)
- stuffed toys (clothing bin)
- styrofoam
- table saws
- tablet computers
- take-out containers
- telephone books
- telephones
- tetra paks
- textiles (clothing bin)
- thermostats
- toasters
- tools
- touch screens
- towels (clothing bin)
- track balls
- transmission fluid
- tupperware containers
- TVs
- undergarments (clothing bin)
- USB drives
- used oil – motor & cooking oil – please bring this in a liquid form to pour into the collection tank!
- vacuums
- VCRs
- vehicle audio & video systems
- venitian blinds (metal)
- VHS tapes
- video cameras
- walkie talkies
- washing machines
- water bottles (plastic & metal)
- water coolers
- weed eaters
- weights
- wine bottles
- wire
- wireless mouse
- extra cell phone accessories
- yogurt containers
- zipper-locked pouches & bags