Our Enviro Friends

Where would we be without others who share the same values and goals?

Here are some fabulous environmental groups doing amazing work:


Adopt-A-Block (run by Alouette River Management Society)

Adopt a Block Logo 2014 (smaller)

Focus: The Maple Ridge Adopt-A-Block Society encourages and supports individuals, businesses, organizations and local governments to accept responsibility for litter in the community.  The goal of the Society is to control and prevent litter through action and public education. Maple Ridge residents are encouraged to “Adopt A Block” of their own. “Adopt-A-Block welcomes everyone! Students participate to gain volunteer hours to graduate, retired individuals join to stay active in their community, families adopt together as a fun, constructive activity – the possibilities are endless. Keeping our community tidy makes Maple Ridge that much more beautiful to enjoy.”

Phone: 604-463-9699 (Adopt-A-Block) or 604-467-6401 (ARMS)
Email: adoptablock@alouetteriver.org

Website: https://www.alouetteriver.org/adopt-a-block


Alouette Field Naturalists

Focus: “Any subject of a general nature, particularly in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows”

The Constitution of BC Nature lists these four purposes:

  • To provide naturalists and nature clubs of BC with a unified voice on conservation and environmental issues
  • To foster an awareness, appreciation and understanding of our natural environment, that it may be wisely used and maintained for future generations
  • To encourage the formation and cooperation of nature clubs throughout BC
  • To provide a means of communication between naturalists in BC.

Website: https://www.bcnature.ca/clubs-and-notices/regions/lower-mainland/alouette-field-naturalists


Alouette River Management Society (ARMS)

ARMS Banner

Focus: “The Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) is a broad-based and non-profit organization committed to the protection and enhancement of the Alouette River watershed and beyond through advocacy, education and coordination.”

Website: https://www.alouetteriver.org/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AlouetteRiverManagementSociety 


BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation logo 2012BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation

Focus: “Working with educators to bring BC’s agriculture to our students.”

Website: https://www.aitc.ca/bc/


Cinema Politica

Cinema Politica LogoFocus: “Cinema Politica is part of a national grassroots organization that screen independent political film and video by Canadian and international artists throughout Canada and abroad. CP is volunteer-run and all screenings are by donation.

CP Ridge Meadows serves the communities of Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and the Katzie First Nations Reserve screening films that encourage debate and discusson on issues relevant to our residents and our democracy.  We believe that democracy can only succeed if the peple are well informed and articulate on issues that affect our culture, economy, environment, health and society.   Our aim is to reflect the needs of our communities through input and feedback from residents, members, small businesses, community advocacy groups and like minded organizations, providing a safe forum for respectful and meaningful debate.”

Website: https://www.cinemapolitica.org/ridge-meadows

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/154011991306395/ 


Community Education on Environment and Development (CEED) Centre

CEED Centre LogoFocus: “We are dedicated to community education on environment and development (CEED) as a registered charity and not-for-profit organization. We provide programs and services in three categories: food security, community development and heritage preservation from our historic building, the CEED Centre in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada.”

Website: https://www.ceedcentre.org/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CEEDCentreSociety 


Golden Ears FEAST

Focus: Golden Ears FEAST stands for “Food Education and Security Table.” These folks are dedicated to food, farming and the environment. They educate and advocate on behalf of the entire food cycle – from non-GMO seed to organic composting. Their mandate is to ensure that food and locally sustainable produce is available to all. Some of the great programs offered locally:

  • Community KitchensGolden Ears FEAST logo 2012
  • Senior’s Buying Club/Golden Ears Buying Club
  • Wellness Clinic: Taste and Tell
  • Let’s Get Cooking for ages 0-12
  • Good Food Produce Box
  • Gourmet Grannies

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GoldenEarsFeast 


Haney Farmer’s Market Society (HFM)

Haney Farmers Market Logo

Focus: “The Haney Farmers Market Society has been created to encourage a healthy community. In doing so, we strive to offer a safe, relaxing and enjoyable place for people to come together. The Market will serve to stimulate and support local economic initiatives, to provide an opportunity for community groups and individuals to inform and entertain their neighbours and to support and strongly encourage practices, which work toward ecological and community health. The Haney Farmers Market wishes to celebrate the historic farming communities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.”

Website: https://www.haneyfarmersmarket.org/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Haney-Pitt-Meadows-Port-Coquitlam-Farmers-Markets/306507546624 


Kanaka Education and Environmental Partnership Society (KEEPS)

KEEPS LogoFocus: “We are a not for profit Society located in Maple Ridge, B.C. Our mission statement: To maintain the health of Kanaka Creek watershed’s natural ecosystems through education, community involvement, scientific research, land preservations and partnerships based on stewardship principles. We accomplish this by being very active in the community, and conducting 120 to 140 environmental education programs every year.”

Website: https://www.keeps.org/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/149124518491057/ 


HUB – Your Cycling Connection (previously the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition)

HUB - Your Cycling Connection logo 2012

Focus: “We make cycling better through advocacy, education and celebration.  More cycling means healthier, happier, more connected communities. We’re leading the way in making cycling an attractive choice for everyone.”


Local Maple Ridge Branch: https://www.rmcyclist.info/ 


Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association (VEVA)VEVA logo 2014

Focus: “The purpose of the Society is to promote and develop a general interest in the use of electric vehicle transportation as an alternative to the internal combustion engine. Electric propulsion is environmentally superior to alternative fuels such as natural gas, propane, gasolines, etc. in that it is clean, quiet, and more efficient.

The society…will hold regular meetings to expand the knowledge of its members and will identify and pursue club projects that will encourage public acceptance of the Electric Vehicle”

Website: https://www.veva.bc.ca

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/vancouverelectricvehicleassociation


Wildsafe BC Logo 2013

Wildsafe BC

Focus: “WildSafeBC is a program that is designed to reduce human-wildlife conflicts throughout BC. Our motto of “keeping wildlife wild – and communities safe” underscores our belief that if we can keep wildlife unhabituated we can, in turn, make our communities safer for us and at the same time keep wildlife from coming to harm.”

Website: https://www.wildsafebc.com

Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/pages/WildSafeBC-Maple-Ridge/467351706668783


Watershed Watch Salmon Society

wwss logo cmykFocus: “Watching out for BC’s Wild Salmon. Our focus is to elevate the dialogue surrounding wild salmon and to improve our chances of saving them.”

For nearly 16 years the Watershed Watch Salmon Society has advocated for better care for wild salmon. Maintaining diverse wild salmon populations and their habitats provides many benefits—to salmon, ecosystems, and people. By exposing threats and calling for conservation action, Watershed Watch has played a leading role in reducing—even reversing—impacts of overfishing, habitat destruction, aquaculture, irresponsible hydro development, and government indifference.

Watershed Watch’s “hybrid” approach to salmon conservation is a blend of fact-and-values-based advocacy, scientific expertise, fiscal responsibility, and a recent transition to engagement organizing. This approach is encompassed by our Theory of Change, where we seek to “better protect wild salmon and their habitat by engaging, organizing, and galvanizing our supporters, earning their trust, respect and help, by marshaling evidence of threats and championing solutions.”

As the task of saving salmon gets ever more challenging, Watershed Watch is pushing ever harder to put our Theory of Change in play throughout British Columbia; through our ongoing work and earned position; through our special advisory roles and partnerships (academic, First Nations, ENGOs, public); through earned and social media; by gathering evidence of threats on the ground and on the water; holding governments and others to account; championing solutions to the public, policy-makers, and industry; and by engaging the help of our growing list of supporters.

Website: https://www.watershed-watch.org 

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/watershedwatchsalmonsociety