Subscribe to our monthly newsletters & get all our recycling updates, news, and tips emailed straight to your inbox! You can unsubscribe at any time.
In this newsletter…
Bring us Your Broken (& Recyclable) Stuff! The next Maple Ridge Repair Cafe is THIS Saturday, March 15 at the Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre. This Cafe ONLY, seniors can bring any recyclable items and we will deliver them to the Recycling Depot for you!
Summer Hours at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot start on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
Ready to Switch Off?Earth Hour is on Saturday, March 22 from 8:30-9:30pm
Calling all Climate Champions… The award-winning Maple Ridge Climate Hub is now accepting nominations for their 4th annual Climate Champion Awards
Spring Cleaning Time!! Gather your gently used books, toys, clothing, & sports equipment to donate to the Earth Day Family Freecycle!! Learn more about the awesome volunteers that make it happen and bring your items to the drop-off event in front of the Leisure Centre on Friday, April 25 from 5-7pm. At the Earth Day event on April 26, come find something NEW to YOU – for free!!
As of January 1, 2025, curbside and multi-family recycling collection in Maple Ridge is provided by Recycle BC and its contractors, Remple Disposal (curbside) and Waste Control Services (multi-family).
Save the Date! Maple Ridge’s annual Celebrate Earth Day festival will be on Saturday, April 26, 2025. Register to have a booth or activity, perform, or volunteer!
Looking for Volunteer Opportunities? We need you at the Earth Day festival! Learn more & register online!
Have you checked out our Celebrate Earth Day EMERGE map yet? It’s great for exploring your community and has been viewed over 432,000 times! Let us know if we missed anything that should be on the map…
On Saturday, March 15, Maple Ridge Repair Cafés will be at the Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre from 10am – 2pm. Bring us your broken stuff!
**Special offer for Seniors! THIS Repair Cafe ONLY!**
Bring any recyclable items to the Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre on Saturday, March 15 during Repair Cafe hours and Ridge Meadows Recycling Society will bring it to the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot for you! See the “A to Z” list of recyclable items to learn what we will accept for Depot delivery.
What is a Repair Cafe?
Repair Cafés are pop-up events where residents can bring their broken items (jewelry, clothing, bikes, small toys or furniture, small appliances, lamps, electronics, etc.) and volunteer expert “fixers” are available to help residents learn to repair their stuff – for free!
Upcoming Community Events Check out some of the great events that are coming up in Maple Ridge!
In case you missed it…
As of January 1, 2025, curbside and multi-family recycling collection in Maple Ridge is provided by Recycle BC and its contractors, Remple Disposal (curbside) and Waste Control Services (multi-family).
Have you checked out our Maple Ridge EMERGE map yet? It’s great for exploring your community and has been viewed over 428,500 times! Let us know if we missed anything that should be on the map…
Save the Date!! Maple Ridge’s Celebrate Earth Day festival is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 10am to 2pm at Memorial Peace Park in the heart of Maple Ridge.
Our 2025 Earth Day event theme is “Stories” – stories bring people together and connect us across time and distance. This year we highlight the Maple Ridge Library and the Maple Ridge Museum, who specialize in story sharing and connecting our community.
Sharing stories creates identity – when we see the world and ourselves reflected back to us, we feel less alone, more confident, and have the courage to act on our beliefs, to hope for a better future, to strive for a better world. Stories can be told in so many ways – through music & dance, visual art & tattoos, oral & written traditions…We ARE our stories. Come share yours and contribute a verse to the powerful, ongoing story of our Earth.
The Earth Day Poetry & Photo Contests are open NOW! Submit your poem, flash fiction, short video, or photos on this year’s Stories theme for your chance to win great prizes and be featured in the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows NEWS. Deadline for entries is midnight on March 31, 2025. Select winners may be invited to share their work at Earth Day on April 26.
Celebrate Earth Day 2025 welcomes all community groups, environmental groups, green businesses, and residents to be part of our event! Sign up to have an interactive booth or activity, volunteer and meet other awesome people, or audition to be one of our performers.
Participant, Performer, & Volunteer registration forms available online at
If this will be your first Earth Day, don’t miss these always-popular activities:
In preparation for the Family Freecycle, the Family Education & Support Centre will be collecting donations of gently used books, toys, and clothing, including at a drop-off event from 5-7pm on Friday, April 25, the night before Earth Day, in front of the Leisure Centre. All items collected are sorted into sizes and categories, set out on tables in the Leisure Centre, and given away at the Earth Day event. We live in an abundant society – most people have too much “stuff” and are more than happy to give it away. Declutter your home then come to find something NEW to YOU!
CYCLE RECYCLE FREE BIKE DRAW: At the Cycle Recycle, the local HUB Cycling group collects secondhand bikes, fixes them up, and gives them away in a free bike draw at Earth Day at 1:00pm. Many of the bikes were destined for the scrap heap at the Recycling Depot and HUB helps get both the bikes and residents back on the road.
Learn more about why the future is electric. Members of the Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association are more than happy to tell you about the different kinds of electric vehicles and you may even be able to go for a ride in an electric car!! If you are thinking of buying an electric vehicle, come and ask them all your questions!
Come hungry! TheGreater Vancouver Food Truck Festival staff have rounded up food trucks to satisfy your sweet, savoury, and any other hunger needs!
REPAIR CAFE: Got broken stuff? Bring it to the Maple Ridge Repair Cafe, organized by Ridge Meadows Recycling Society, and learn how to fix it for FREE! Experienced Fixers will be on hand to assist with the repair or offer advice on all your sewing, electrical, carpentry, jewellery, or bike repair needs. Glue, tape, tools, sewing machines and more are available to use and TINKERbell Station will be set up for kids to get hands-on with tools, take stuff apart & learn how it works, build original creations, or just tinker! Want to just come check us out? No problem! Come have a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the magic of repair.
PLUS!! Facepainting, TWO live music stages, roving performers, a Ukelele Flash Mob, a Nature Mandala, Maple Ridge Climate Hub’s Climate Champion Awards, Poetry & Photo Contest winners announced at the Welcoming Ceremonies, and we celebrate National Volunteer Week!
On Saturday, February 15, Ridge Meadows Recycling Society will launch their EIGHTH year of Repair Cafés at the Maple Ridge Library from 10:00am – 2:00pm. Repair Cafés are pop-up events where residents can bring their broken items and volunteer “fixers” are available to help residents learn how to repair their small appliances, lamps, electronics, jewelry, clothing, bicycles, small toys, or furniture.
Since launching Repair Cafés in 2018, Ridge Meadows Recycling Society has hosted 46 repair events and residents have brought over 2600 items to be fixed, including 1,124 electrical appliances, toys, or tools, 746 textiles (clothing, bedding, stuffed animals, etc.), 281 pieces of jewelry, and 66 bicycles. Ridge Meadows Recycling Society is grateful to Vancity and Metro Vancouver for grants to help fund Maple Ridge Repair Cafes in 2025.
“Maple Ridge is proud to continue partnering with Ridge Meadows Recycling Society on the incredibly successful Repair Café program, which strengthens our commitment to sustainability and highlights that we are truly Driven By Community,” said Mayor Dan Ruimy. “The fact that we have been recognized as one of the top 10 repair cafe programs in the world is a testament to the dedication of our volunteers and the innovative spirit of our community.”
Ridge Meadows Recycling Society has worked to build sustainability in our community for over 50 years and looks forward to a year of continued partnerships with the City of Maple Ridge, Metro Vancouver, the Maple Ridge Library, the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society, the Haney Farmers Market, the Maple Ridge Museum, Celebrate Earth Day, GETI Fest, and more!
Maple Ridge Repair Cafés aim to:
Promote & encourage repair in a modern way
Enable valuable repair expertise to be learned and shared
Promote social connections in the local community
Repair and reuse items that would’ve ended up in the landfill
Encourage kids to get hands on with tools and learn how things work
Provide support to others who wish to start up their own Repair Cafes
Tinkerbell Station is a part of every Maple Ridge Repair Café and is a home-grown initiative to encourage kids to get hands-on with tools & “tinker” with items at the end of their life. Old toasters, tv remotes, keyboards, and more are provided as well as screwdrivers and pliers. With adult help, kids can take things apart to see how they work, then get creative and use Repair Café tools & supplies to make robots, jewelry, or their own original creations with the pieces. Tinkerbell herself will be joining the April 26 Earth Day Repair Café!
“Our Repair Café volunteers are VERY dedicated!” says Leanne Koehn, Repair Café Coordinator and Community Engagement Manager for Ridge Meadows Recycling Society, “They love new challenges and helping the community. We also love welcoming new people who want to join our team as fixers or assistants to help with registration, event setup & takedown, or monitoring Tinkerbell Station.”
Get Involved!
Do you or anyone you know have repair skills, want to learn more about repair, or just want to help out in your community? Complete the online form at or email to volunteer as a Fixer, Apprentice, or Helper and become a Repair Café hero!
Maple Ridge Repair Cafes Year 8 Launch!! Saturday, February 15, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm
Co-hosted with the Maple Ridge Library
Location: Maple Ridge Library, 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC
Saturday, March 15, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm
Co-hosted with the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Location: Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre, 12150 224th Street, Maple Ridge, BC
Saturday, April 26, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm
Part of Celebrate Earth Day 2025 Festival!
Location: Memorial Peace Park, Maple Ridge, BC Special Guest – Tinkerbell!
Saturday, May 17, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm **Our 50th Repair Café!!** Co-hosted with the City of Maple Ridge
Location: Albion Community Center, 24165 104th Street, Maple Ridge, BC Special Guests – Ridge Meadows Quilter’s Guild
Saturday, June 14, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm
Co-hosted with the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Location: Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre, 12150 224th Street, Maple Ridge, BC
Saturday July 19, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm
Co-hosted with the Maple Ridge Library
Location: Maple Ridge Library, 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC
Saturday, September 20, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm Part of GETI Fest 2025 Event!
Location: Maple Ridge Bandstand, Memorial Peace Park
Saturday, October 18, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm Celebrating International Repair Cafe Week!Co-hosted with the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Location: Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre, 12150 224th Street, Maple Ridge, BC Special Guests – Ridge Meadows Quilter’s Guild
Saturday, November 22, 2025 Time: 10am – 2pm LAST Repair Cafe of 2025! Co-hosted with the Maple Ridge Library
Location: Maple Ridge Library, 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC Special Guest – Museum on the Move
Ridge Meadows Recycling Society is grateful for the support of: City of Maple Ridge
Metro Vancouver
Repair Café Foundation
Maple Ridge Library
Ridge Meadows Seniors Society
Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows NEWS
Haney Farmers Market
Celebrate Earth Day Planning Committee
Ridge Meadows Quilter’s Guild
Maple Ridge Museum & Community Archives
Fraser River Indigenous Society
MR-PM-Katzie Community Network
Submit your poem, flash fiction, short video, or photos on this year’s Stories theme for your chance to win great prizes!
POETRY & MORE Contest: 3 winners in each category (poetry, flash fiction, & video compete against each other in each category):
Kids (up to age 10) – 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Youth (age 11 to 16) – 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Adult (17 and up) – 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Email poems to (no, we didn’t update the email address!) by midnight on Monday, March 31. Winners may be asked to have their work published or read at the Celebrate Earth Day Festival Welcoming Ceremonies on Saturday, April 26 at Memorial Peace Park.
PHOTO Contest: 3 categories – Child (up to age 10), Youth (11-16), & Adult (17+), PLUS Grand Prize Winner. Send entries in jpg format (minimum 1MB) with name & age (if under 17) to by midnight on Monday, March 31.
Entries will be posted on the Celebrate Earth Day Facebook page and voting will be open to the public. Visit & vote for your favourite photos! Winners will be announced at the Celebrate Earth Day Festival Welcoming Ceremonies on Saturday, April 26.
Subscribe to our monthly newsletters & get all our recycling updates, news, and tips emailed straight to your inbox! You can unsubscribe at any time.
In this newsletter…
Recycle BC information to help navigate curbside & apartment recycling collection changes
Save the Date! The Celebrate Earth Day in Maple Ridge Festival is on Saturday, April 26! Participant, performer, & volunteer registration forms now available
Bring us your broken stuff! Year 8 of Maple Ridge Repair Cafes launches Saturday, February 15 at the Maple Ridge Library
Upcoming Community Events Check out some of the great events that are coming up in Maple Ridge!
In case you missed it…
Have you checked out our Maple Ridge EMERGE map yet? It’s great for exploring your community and has been viewed 427,000 times! Let us know if we missed anything that should be on the map…
Change is Coming! If you haven’t heard, starting in 2025, Curbside and Apartment recycling collection in Maple Ridge will transition to direct services by Recycle BC, the organization responsible for paper & packaging recycling in British Columbia. Don’t worry! Ridge Meadows Recycling will still operate the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot and our Supported Work program is not going anywhere!
While there will be some slight changes to the way materials are picked up, you can use the same boxes & bags or recycling totes you are using now. Recycle BC and their contractors will provide education and outreach for Maple Ridge residents.
Since 2011, the BC Recycling Regulation (part of the Environmental Management Act) requires businesses that supply packaging and paper product to BC residents to assume responsibility for the cost of collecting, sorting and recycling these materials.
Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia, servicing over two million households or over 99% of BC through curbside, multi-family and/or depot services…
VISION: To be a recycling leader, inspiring and accelerating innovation in recycling technology, waste reduction, and packaging design.
We ensure packaging and paper product is collected from households and recycling depots, sorted and responsibly managed and recycled. Recycle BC provides recycling services either directly to communities or by working in partnership with local governments, First Nations, private companies, and other not-for-profit organizations. 194 communities participate in our recycling collection program and more are serviced by our recycling depots. Each year, over 200,000 tonnes of material is collected from households and depots.Our program is funded by businesses, like retailers, manufacturers and restaurants that supply packaging and paper products to BC residents, shifting costs away from homeowners.
Subscribe to our monthly newsletters & get all our recycling updates, news, and tips emailed straight to your inbox! You can unsubscribe at any time.
In this newsletter…
Holiday Schedule & Recycling Guide
Recycle BC’s message for Maple Ridge residents as they take on curbside and apartment recycling collection services starting January 1, 2025
Year in Review – Ridge Meadows Recycling Society’s past year in photos & stories
Upcoming Community Events Check out some of the great things that are happening in Maple Ridge!
In case you missed it…
Create Memories, Not Garbage! Let Metro Vancouver’s Gift Planning Tips & Ideas make this Christmas a less-stress and more sustainable holiday
Have you checked out our Celebrate Earth Day EMERGE map yet? It’s great for exploring your community and has been viewed over 419,000 times! Let us know if we missed anything that should be on the map…
Mark your calendar – there will be NO CURBSIDE BLUE BOX RECYCLING PICKUP on Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day);
Thursday, December 26 (Boxing Day); or
Wednesday, January 1 (New Year’s Day).
The RECYCLING DEPOT WILL BE CLOSED on Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day) and
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 (New Year’s Day) and
we will be CLOSING EARLY at 3:00pm on
December 24 (Christmas Eve) and
December 31 (New Year’s Eve).