Employment Skills Program

Community Living BC LogoOur Employment Skills Program is a partnership between RMRS and Community Living British Columbia. This unique program incorporates a supported work environment to teach job skills training and provide employment to people with diverse abilities and is specifically designed for them to experience success in a work setting.

The Employment Skills program employs approximately 25 adults with diverse abilities in a supported setting at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot. The crew is a vital part of the processing team, learning job skills and demonstrating the value of inclusion to co-workers and the community.

To learn more about the program, download the RMRS Paid Employment Skills Program Description.

Striving to provide a fully integrated work setting, whenever possible we hire workers from the Employment Skills program for full-time employment at the Depot.

Our Philosophical Statement:

“Every individual has the inherent right to achieve their highest potential.”

RMRS Supported Workers

Our Vision:

To provide real working opportunities for people with a variety of skills and abilities. Experienced staff and volunteers provide a caring environment to ensure the success of these staff members. In addition to the work and activities provided directly by RMRS, we are proud to welcome many other community groups who use the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot as a work experience site.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

Media Release – September 20, 2011

Community Living BC and the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society support employment for people with developmental disabilities

Community Living BC (CLBC) and the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society remain committed to inclusive employment for people with developmental disabilities.

We value community workplaces that reflect the diverse makeup of the people who live in the community and appreciate the wide-range of employers who are committed to inclusive employment. We look forward to continuing to work together to provide more opportunities for inclusive employment in the Maple Ridge community.

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Community Living BC

Community Living BC (CLBC), a provincial crown agency mandated under the Community Living Authority Act, delivers supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities and adults eligible for the Personalized Supports Initiative (PSI) and their families in British Columbia. CLBC is working to create communities where people with developmental disabilities have more choices about how they live, work and contribute.


LAST Committee Logo

Ridge Meadows Recycling is a proud member of the LAST (Life After School Transition) Committee, made up of service providers in Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows that empower youth as they transition from high school to the next phase of their life (work and/or post secondary training).

Together, the Committee organizes two annual events – the Transition Resource Fair in April and an Inclusive Community event in October to celebrate Community Living Month.

Check out the LAST Committee on Facebook to learn about member organizations and upcoming events.

For a look into what it is like to live with diverse (learning) abilities, watch “How Difficult Can This Be?” by the Frustration, Anxiety, & Tension City Workshop. While it was filmed in 1989, it remains a relevant, effective, and unique opportunity to see and experience some of the frustration, anxiety, and tension people with diverse abilities may face in our society.