Maple Ridge Recycling Pickup – Recycle BC


In January, 2025, the City of Maple Ridge and Ridge Meadows Recycling Society transitioned curbside and apartment recycling collection services in Maple Ridge to direct services provided by Recycle BC, the non-profit organization responsible for printed paper and packaging recycling in BC. They have contracted the curbside collection services to Remple Disposal and multi-family collection services to Waste Control Services.


Curbside Recycling Pickup:

If you are a resident inquiring about curbside recycling collection, wish to request additional recycling boxes or bags, report a missed collection or have other inquiries related to curbside recycling, please contact Remple Disposal at 778-503-1340 or


Apartment Recycling Pickup:

If you are a multi-family building or property manager inquiring about recycling collection, wish to request additional recycling totes, report a missed collection or have other inquiries related to multi-family recycling, please contact Waste Control Services at 778-503-1341 or


For further information about Recycle BC or the transition, please visit: or contact Recycle BC’s resident support at 778-588-9504 or


Download our
Maple Ridge Curbside Recycling Information Flyer

Maple Ridge Recycling Depot: 

Ridge Meadows Recycling Society is responsible for all services at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot, located at 10092 – 236th Street.
Contact 604-463-5545 or