Bear-Resistant Organics Bins

Bear-Resistant Organics Tote

Bear Smart Community Logo 2015SOLD OUT!! Thank you for your interest in bear-resistant bins. We have sold out of the bins, but they can still be purchased for $225 through AJM Disposal by calling (604) 590-1857 or emailing

These bins are a major criteria to achieving Bear Smart Community status due to their success in bear-interface areas in other communities. The goal of this program is to “address the root causes of bear/human conflicts, thereby reducing the risks to human safety and private property, as well as the number of bears that have to be destroyed each year.

Bear-Resistant Organics Tote & Bear 2“Every year hundreds, and in some years well over a thousand, bears are destroyed as a result of conflicts between people and bears…most of these problems begin when people allow bears to access non-natural food sources such as garbage.”

Because they can’t get into the secured, certified bear-resistant bins when properly used, bears are discouraged from seeking food sources in residential areas.

Learn more about the Wildsafe BC program, working to “keep wildlife wild & communities safe.”