Solar Cone Food Digesters, Composters, & Rain Barrels now on sale!

We have once again opened our annual sales of Composters ($85), Solar Cone Food Digesters ($170), & Rain Barrels ($95). Residents can order any of these through the online form below. Payment can be made via credit card and the item will be delivered to your home.

Since Metro Vancouver’s Organics Disposal Ban, people are paying more attention to what happens with their food scraps. If you have a garden, Composters will turn veggie & fruit scraps into rich, nutrient-filled topsoil. People may be less familiar with Solar Cones, which use the sun’s energy to break down food items that cannot go in the Composter, including bread, bones & meat, and milk products, into carbon dioxide and water, which harmlessly dissipate into the surrounding soil.

Intense summer draught has boosted the profile of Rain Barrels, which enables residents to water their lawns and gardens throughout the summer using collected rainwater and helped lower municipal water demands. Rain water, free from chlorine and water treatment chemicals, is an excellent water source for lawns, plants and gardens.

Download the 2022 Hand Out for Composters, Solar Cones, & Rain Barrels

Order Form for Composters & Solar Cones

Please place your order below. After your form is submitted, we will contact you to arrange payment & delivery. Thank you for helping keep our planet green!

    *Note: Solar Cones & Composters are only available to residents of Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows.
    *Note: We are no longer selling Rainbarrels or Bear-Resistant Bins. Rainbarrels are available at most home hardware stores. Bear-Resistant Bins can still be purchased from AJM Disposal for $225 -
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