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Upcoming Holiday Schedule & More! RMRS November Newsletter Now Online


NEW!! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 Recycling Blue Box Pickup is MOVED to SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27.

PLUS! In this month’s newsletter, we look back at the way things used to be, Waste Reduction Challenge photos, Waste-Free Shopping Tips, and more!

Click to view a pdf copy of the RMRS November, 2014 Newsletter. This and past newsletters are archived on our website.

RMRS November, 2014 Newsletter - Page 1

RMRS November, 2014 Newsletter - Page 2

RMRS November, 2014 Newsletter - Page 3

RMRS November, 2014 Newsletter - Page 4

Metro Vancouver Organics Disposal Ban Starting January 1, 2015

MV Organics Disposal Ban campaign - Dec, 2014Ridge Meadows Recycling Society supports the diversion efforts of Metro Vancouver.

Starting January 1, 2015, Metro Vancouver is placing a ban on organic materials from its waste facilities.

This means residents and businesses will be required to separate organic materials like kitchen scraps and yard trimmings from their regular garbage.

For Maple Ridge residents & businesses:

-if you have a private garbage company picking up at your home or business, call them and find out how they will be picking up organic waste separate from your other garbage as they will have to comply with the ban to continue collecting garbage in the Metro Vancouver area.

-many residents have composters, food digesters, or farm animals and are able to deal with food scraps and yard waste in their own backyard with the help of the Seasonal Chipping Program.

-for residents who bring their garbage directly to the Maple Ridge Transfer Station, Metro Vancouver has a separate food scrap drop-off area in addition to their existing yard waste drop-off area. Bonus: Green waste tipping fees are much less than garbage tipping fees!

Restaurants and food service operators may benefit from Metro Vancouver’s publication, “Closing the Loop.”

For more information, visit Metro Vancouver’s website or watch their video.

Ridge Meadows Recycling’s Guide & Scout Waste Reduction Challenge!

Scouts Depot Tour 11 - April 30, 2013 (via 1st Haney Cubs)Ridge Meadows Recycling Society has created a special Waste Reduction Challenge badge for Maple Ridge Guide & Scout groups in honour of Waste Reduction Week in October.

“We are excited to be working with Guide & Scout groups this year,” says Carol Botting, President of Ridge Meadows Recycling, “Caring for the environment has always been an integral part of the Scouting and Guiding movements and partnering with them is a natural fit for our Society.”

Local Guide & Scout groups have been given a list of Ridge Meadows Recycling Society’s challenges through their Area Commissioners which they must fulfill in order to get the badge. There are three different sets of challenges, depending on the age group. The first set is designed for younger kids and includes Sparks, Brownies, and Beaver Scouts. The second set is for Guides and Cub Scouts, and the third is designed for the older Pathfinders and Scouts.

A1st Haney Beavers doing Recycling Relay 2014 4 - croppedll challenges include learning how to sort their family’s recycling & set it out at the curb by 7:00am on recycling day, but also cover topics like litterless lunches, composting, and energy & water conservation.  The groups will receive a visit from Ridge Meadows Recycling’s Environmental Educator, Dan Mikolay, and the older kids will be touring the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot to learn more about the recycling process.

To book a workshop with Dan for your Scout or Guide group, simply fill out the form below!

“Both youth & adult members of Scouting in Maple Ridge are looking forward to working on the Waste Reduction Challenge,” says Three Rivers Area Commissioner Christi Goncalves, “From the Beaver Scouts’ promise to ‘help take care of the world’ to the Scouts’ law to be ‘wise in the use of all resources,’ environmentalism is found at all stages of the Scouting movement.”

“Part of the Girl Guides of Canada Law is a notation that it is our responsibility to protect our common environment,” adds Lougheed Area Commissioner Darlene Kent, “We make it fun so the girls learn about conservation, water, nature, ecology, sustainability, and so many other topics. As future leaders, we will need our Girls to continue to protect our environment.”

Youth can learn more about Guiding or Scouting by visiting their websites at and Anyone interested in visiting or registering in a local group can contact:


Scouts Canada Logo 2014Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, & Rovers (co-ed):
Christi Goncalves, 604-818-7625, or email


Girl Guides of Canada Logo 2014Sparks, Brownies, Guides, & Pathfinders (girls only):
BC Girl Guide office, 1-800-565-8111 or


WRW 2014 logoThe Ridge Meadows Recycling Waste Reduction Challenge badge is available to any member of Guiding (Sparks – Pathfinders) or Scouting (Beavers – Scouts) in Maple Ridge who has completed the requirements. Challenge badges will be handed out to Guide & Scout representatives at a special Waste Reduction Week presentation to Maple Ridge Mayor & Council at 7:00pm on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.


Downloads for Leaders & Parents:
Download the 2014 RMRS Waste Reduction Challenge Badge Requirements, the WRW2014 – Sparks-Brownies-Beavers Worksheet, the WRW2014 – Guides-Cubs Worksheet, or the WRW2014 – Pathfinders-Scouts Worksheet!

If you are a parent or leader, also check out Message to Parents – Sparks – Guides & Beavers – CubsMessage to Parents – Pathfinders & ScoutsMessage to Leaders – Sparks – Guides & Beavers – Cubs, or Message to Leaders – Pathfinders & Scouts.


Workshop Request Form

If you would like to have a workshop at your class, school, organization, business, or apartment, please fill out the form below and Daniel Mikolay, our Environmental Educator, will be in touch with you.

  • Please select the grade closest to your class or "School Wide Workshops." Our environmental educator will contact you to discuss the workshop and set a time & date after you have submitted the form.
  • Other organizations, please specify what type of workshop you are interested in. You can also write any additional information or comments. Thank you for your interest & have a great workshop!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

REDUCE Your Impact – RMRS June, 2014 Newsletter Now Online

REDUCE is the first “R,” but many people don’t realize how much of an impact this one makes on the other two (Reuse & Recycle).

In this month’s newsletter, we look at how reducing our packaging, our consumption, makes the need for the other two obsolete and improves the natural world in ways we may not even be aware of.

Learn more about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, calculators to determine your Ecological Footprint, and much more…

Click to view a pdf copy of the RMRS June, 2014 Newsletter. This and past newsletters are archived on our website.

RMRS June, 2014 Newsletter - page 1

RMRS June, 2014 Newsletter - page 2

RMRS June, 2014 Newsletter - page 3

RMRS June, 2014 Newsletter - page 4

Recycling Changes in Maple Ridge – Ridge Meadows Recycling’s May, 2014 Newsletter now online

On May 19, 2014, MultiMaterial BC launched a new recycling program in British Columbia based on the targets set out by the Provincial Recycling Regulations for packaging & printed paper.

In Maple Ridge, this means we are now accepting new items and ask residents to:

-Place ALL plastic bags and wrap in a plastic grocery bag and tie the top closed

-Place glass bottles & jars loose in the blue box. REMOVE all lids & put in appropriate bag or tote (eg. plastic, metal)

-Clean and FLATTEN all cardboard & containers (more fits on truck, reduces trips back to depot 🙂

Download our RMRS May, 2014 Newsletter to learn more about the changes or click on the Recycling Report picture below. You can also download the New Curbside Recycling Flyers – May, 2014 or New Apartment Recycling Flyers – May, 2014

This and past newsletters are archived on our website.

RMRS May, 2014 Newsletter - Page 1

RMRS May, 2014 Newsletter - Page 2

RMRS May, 2014 Newsletter - Page 3

RMRS May, 2014 Newsletter - Page 4