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All about EARTH ARTS DAY! April, 2013 Newsletter now online!

On Saturday, April 20 at 10am, the most vibrant, arts-filled Earth Day celebrations ever seen in Maple Ridge will kick off in Memorial Peace Park, the ACT Arts Centre & Theatre, & the Greg Moore Youth Centre. Environmental, community, and arts groups have come together to make this a day to remember. For 4 hours the event site will be filled with flash mobs, music, art, stories, poetry, crafts, food, laughter, wonder, and so much more. Come early to avoid disappointment!

Click to download the Earth Day 2013 Site Map and Schedule of Events

Please share this with anyone you know who loves the earth, loves the arts, and loves being a part of great community festivals!

Have a fantastic Earth Day and see you Saturday!

Click here to download a pdf copy of the RMRS April, 2013 Newsletter. The photos below are just a quick preview 🙂 This and past newsletters are archived on our website.

RMRS April, 2013 Newsletter - page 1RMRS April, 2013 Newsletter - Pages 2-3RMRS April, 2013 Newsletter - Pages 4-5RMRS April, 2013 Newsletter - Page 6

RMRS March, 2013 Newsletter Now Online!

Spring = Renew!

Whether you’re renewing your RMRS membership, the greenery in your yard, or your commitment to live simply and reduce your waste, this month’s newsletter has lots of good info. Learn more about our special guests at Ridge Meadows Recycling’s Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, April 2 at the ACT and check out the latest exciting updates on Earth Day celebrations (10am – 2pm on Saturday, April 20) as Earth Day Partners with the ARTS!

Click to download our RMRS March, 2013 Newsletter. This and past newsletters are archived on our website.

RMRS March, 2013 Newsletter - Page 1RMRS March, 2013 Newsletter - Pages 2-3RMRS March, 2013 Newsletter - Page 4


RMRS January, 2013 Newsletter

2013 – Recycling: Beyond the Box

Another year with LOTS in store! This month’s newsletter highlights the idea of “Re-Think.”

Along with some easy & green eco-resolutions, our Vice-President Leigh Hodgins writes about making conscious decisions as a consumer.

Mark lots of exciting upcoming events on your calendar such as the NOW House Project Presentation Feb.5, the Lantern Festival Feb.22, our Annual General Meeting April 2, and Earth Day and the first Haney Farmer’s Market of the year on April 20!

Sign up for our newsletter mailing list below or check out past newsletters here :)

Click to download the RMRS January, 2013 Newsletter

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New items accepted at Recycling Depot starting July 1, 2012

On July 1, 2012, there are a number of EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) programs expanding, which means more items will be accepted at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot as part of BC Stewardship Programs. While all electric & electronic items are already accepted at the depot (“Everything with a battery or a cord!”), people can bring many more items to the depot for recycling starting July 1, 2012.

New EPR items accepted July 1, 2012Newly accepted items through Encorp’s Return-It Electronics program include everything used with electronic systems such as 8-tracks, records, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, laser discs, memory cards, game cartridges, VHS (& Beta!) tapes, floppy discs, & USB drives. While this program doesn’t include the cases, they will be covered in the future by the EPR program for packaging and printed paper, which is currently in its planning stages.

Product Care’s LightRecycle program is also expanding from just fluorescent light bulbs & tubes to include all light bulbs, including incandescent, LED, halogen, & miniature (flashlight & Christmas lights) light bulbs. The program is also expanding from residential lights to businesses & organizations in the “ICI” sector, which covers Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional. Other programs are expanding to include medical grade electronics, electronic toys, car electronics (GPS systems, stereos, & radios), all electric or electronic tools, gaming systems, and any sport, leisure, arts, craft, or hobby devices that have a power cord, plug, or battery.

Here is a list of some of the new items accepted at the Recycling Depot starting July 1, 2012:

8-track tapes
Answering machines

Baby monitors & receivers


Bread makers

Cassette tapes

Christmas lights
Coffee makers

Digital microscopes & telescopes

Drill presses


Ebook readers
Electric grass trimmers
Electric guitars

Electric lawn mowers

Electronic blood pressure devices

Electronic exercise machines

Electronic musical instruments
Electronic thermometers
Electronic toys
Ethernet switches


Floppy discs
Food processors

Game cartridges

Gaming consoles & controllers
Halogen lights
Hand-held GPS devices
Hand mixers

Incandescent light bulbs




Laser discs
LED lightbulbs
Media storage devices

Memory cards


Pocket & desk calculators

Power drills
Power tools

Satellite dishes & radio receivers

Sewing machines


Table saws

USB drives
Vehicle audio & video systems
VHS tapes

Walkie talkies

Searching for the Top 40 under 40 – Help Us Find The Next Generation of Environmental Leaders!

40 Under 40 Promo Flyer - May, 2012Are you a passionate recycler or environmental advocate between the ages of 4 and 40? Do you know someone who is?

Ridge Meadows Recycling Society and The Times newspaper are teaming up to seek the top 40 young environmentalists in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows who will become the next generation of recycling and environmental leaders.

Our top 40 will be recognized during Waste Reduction Week in October. Visit our “40 under 40” page for more info and to fill in an online nomination form.

The little girl in the following video would probably be nominated for a “40 under 40” award…but only if she was lucky enough to live in Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows!