Curbside Recycling Pickup – Recycling Boxes & Bags

Change is Coming! If you haven’t heard, starting in 2025, Curbside and Apartment recycling collection in Maple Ridge will transition to direct services by Recycle BC, the organization responsible for paper & packaging recycling in British Columbia. Don’t worry! Ridge Meadows Recycling will still operate the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot and our Supported Work program is not going anywhere!

While there will be some slight changes to the way materials are picked up, and your collection day may change, you can use the same boxes & bags or recycling totes you are using now. Recycle BC and their contractors will be doing more education and outreach about any changes in the fall.

Curbside recycling should be set out by 7:00am to ensure pickup. DO NOT SET OUT YOUR RECYCLING THE NIGHT BEFORE as it is against municipal bylaws.


RMRS Curbside Blue Box Pickup TruckIn partnership with the City of Maple Ridge, our weekly curbside recycling pickup service combines the best of door-to-door efficiency with sound environmental principals & practices. Our specially-designed recycling trucks have multiple compartments which help keep the recycling streams separate all the way from curb to manufacturer. Check out the RMRS Curbside Recycling Pickup Route Map.
4-sort recycling photo 3 - Oct, 2015

If you are new to Maple Ridge, WELCOME!

First, click here to find out your recycling pickup day. Next, sign up for our monthly newsletter to learn all about recycling and environmental programs in Maple Ridge. Then, give us a call at 604-463-5545 to learn all about our program & visit the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot to pick up your new recycling boxes & bags! Bonus – got questions about garbage pickup in Maple Ridge? Finally, check out our Custom Google Map of cool activities and fab places to visit in your new hometown!! Welcome to Maple Ridge!

When it comes to taking care of our waste, we do things a little differently here than in other municipalities, hopefully this website will help you understand why. To learn more about the history of recycling in Maple Ridge, take a look at Our History.

Maple Ridge strongly believes in a resident-led, multi-sort system. Click to download the pdf RMRS Multi Stream Recycling Position Paper and learn more about why we remain committed to this system.

Download the 2024 RMRS Curbside Sort Flyer showing which  box or bag to sort your recyclables into.

NOTE: New or replacement boxes & bags are covered in your property taxes. You can pick up new recycling boxes or bags during open hours at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot, located at 10092 – 236th Street, Maple Ridge or have them delivered to your house by calling 604-463-5545 or ordering them online here

Red Plastics Box 3 - March, 2015
Red Box – Flexible Plastics (Plastic Bags, Pouches, & Overwrap) 

Blue Box 2 - April, 2015Blue Box – Mixed Containers

Grey Glass Box 2 - April, 2015Grey Box – Glass Bottles & Jars

Yellow (Cardboard) BagYellow Bag – ALL PAPER & CARDBOARD


Please place your recycling boxes and bags at the curb by 7:00am on your recycling day. To find out your recycling day, check out our route map, RMRS Curbside Recycling Pickup Routes.


We do not pick up curbside recycling on statutory holidays but we DO pick up at apartments ONLY. If a holiday lands on your recycling pickup day, please save your recycling and set it out the following week. If you have a lot of recycling build up between pickups, you can drop it off during open hours at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot located at 10092 – 236th Street, Maple Ridge, just off River Road in the Albion Industrial Park. The Depot is OPEN on all stat holidays except for Christmas Day & New Year’s Day. For a full schedule of statutory & designated holidays, see the 2024 Calendar below or download the 2024 RMRS Stat Holiday Blue Box Pickup Schedule