Grey Box – Glass Bottles & Jars

In Maple Ridge, the Grey Box is for glass bottles & jars. If you don’t have a Grey Box, you can pick one up at the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot.

Place the following items in your grey box for recycling:

-glass jars

-glass bottles


Please clean & rinse all glass bottles & jars before putting them in the recycling box!

Please do not include different kinds of glass such as window panes, light bulbs, drinking glasses, Pyrex, or ceramics as we cannot recycle them.

We can recycle Flourescent light bulbs & tubes if you bring them to the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot.


What Happens to the Glass we collect?

In the past, mixed glass was shipped to Envirogrit in Abbotsford to be made into fibreglass. Contaminated glass was used as a gravel substitute. Since 2014, glass jars & bottles are collected and processed by industry under the stewardship of Recycle BC.


EPR Beverage Container IconCanada's National Brewers Logo (EPR)Encorp Return-It Logo 2014All glass beverage containers are recycled through the Beverage Container EPR Program, run by Encorp Pacific, and the Beer Bottle EPR Program, run by Canada’s National Brewers. Click to learn more about EPR, Extended Producer Responsibility Programs.